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Has someone made false statements about you or your business online?  If so, you may be able to sue them for defamation, and in many cases, proving an actual loss is unnecessary to obtain a monetary judgment against them.  For defamatory material which is published or broadcast, the law presumes that you have suffered a loss.

False reviews or other statements made about you or your business and published in any online medium accessible to third parties can be grounds for a lawsuit.  This includes falsities published on Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, and in other online media such as blogs and websites.

If your business is being libeled online, Gobin & Leyenson LLP, as your representatives, can attempt to seek the removal of the false statements by notifying the publishers of an intended claim against them.  Should you wish to seek a court order requiring the removal of certain content for being unlawful, we can help you find a lawyer to represent you in the appropriate jurisdiction, depending on whether the content is published in Canada or abroad.  Contact us today to discuss your options.

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